A Report on Debenhams Global Marketing Expansion into China


A Report on Debenhams Global Marketing Expansion into China


You are the manager of a Debenhams (a UK-headquartered company; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debenhams). The company seeks growth opportunities and considers expanding further into the global marketplace. A first screening of international markets led to a short list of potential target country markets –you have been assigned an emerging economy – CHINA. The board of your company is asking you to develop a global marketing plan for expansion into CHINA.
Use a range of Marketing frameworks, concepts, and theories from lecture notes!! Use visuals, tables, graphics; make it a visually-attractive report.
1. Title page naming Charles Tyrwhitt and the international country market CHINA
2. Executive summary (approximately 150-200 words)
3. Introduction
4. Internal Analysis of Company: overview of the company, its domestic marketing mix, company goals (UK and Global), domestic target customer, industry – See Framework below
5. External Analysis of the International Market: conducting an external macro and micro analysis of the international target market – See Framework below
6. Global Market Strategy: market entry strategy, target customer segmentation –See Framework below
7. Global Marketing Programme: standardization versus adaptation of the marketingmix. Must use DOT PLOT TABLE – See Framework below
8. Conclusion: Invest – Not Invest Recommendation – See Framework below
9. References
10. Appendix
MUST USE THE FRAMEWORK in “Global Marketing Plan Framework.pptx”.
Words: 2400
References: 18 references minimum (Harvard).

Answer preview

 This report seeks to explain the critical point of global expansion. In this context, the report will be focus on Debenhans Company as it seeks to expand to China. The report will begin by looking at Debenhans marketing mix both domestically and internationally alongside the goals of the company in UK and the company target too will be addressed.  In addition to the macro analysis, micro target market will be explored to ascertain steps taken in highlighting the targets.  In this context, opening a subsidiary in China and linking it to the main office in UK to monitor operations. The company will adopt concentration and shower approach as entry methods into the global trade. The dot plot table will be key in explaining how the marketing mix can be standardized and adopted both in UK and China whereby it will link various elements like product policy and price policy. Finally, a recommendation on investing in the country will enable Debenhams to achieve multiple growth.

Word count: 3126