A Report on Toyota Supply Chain Strategies


A Report on Toyota Supply Chain Strategies


This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes 2-4 and accounts for 50% of the overall module mark.
Select any one of the following companies (Nestle/ Marks & Spencer/ Toyota/ Apple) and critically
evaluate its supply chain practices on the following parameters:
1) Purchasing Strategy (33%)
2) Order Fulfillment Process (33%
3) Supply Chain Sustainability (33%)
Use the company’s official website, annual reports, and academic sources to gather

Answer Preview 

The report aims to seek to evaluate the supply chain of Toyota Company. In evaluating the process, key components of the process will be accessed. First, the introduction of Toyota will greatly explain the company’s procedure as to how the products get to the customers. The procurement strategy, most importantly, sourcing will be explored. It is a great tool that the company relies on to get better suppliers for its raw materials for the production process. Additionally, the report will give an in-depth exploration into the order fulfillment process. Since Toyota is an automotive company, a detailed approach and a systematic structure of the steps will be discussed. The efficiency of the approach will be addressed in defining the strong points that enhance customer satisfaction. For the company to maintain a prolonged and efficient supply chain an in-depth sustainability exploration will provide an insight into the system.

Word Count: 2600