A Research Proposal on Genetically Modified Organisms


A Research Proposal on Genetically Modified Organisms


Write a 2-page topic analysis essay on Genetically Modified Organisms using APA format.

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This research aims to give an in-depth exploration into the contentious issue of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). The constant debates about the safety of GMO Products provide the urgent need to address the issue. In-depth analysis and exploration of the hotly discussed topic will give a clear understanding of the basic concepts of GMO. The research proposal seeks to clarify why specific research lean towards supporting the subject while others are blatantly against it. The demerits and merits of each side will be exploited to influence an informed and judicious opinion in the end. Examples of how GMO has improved lifestyles in the form of food production and security will be discussed at length to enable readers to discern where they gravitate in the whole discussion. Apparently, the comprehensive research will be supported by claims of certain authors who feel that GMO has improved production of food through modification of seeds.

Word count: 3380