A Review of A CIMA Report


A Review of A CIMA Report


You are required to critically evaluate a CIMA report your evaluation should include a critique of the key findings of the research, method used to conduct the research and the reliability of the research.

For task 1 you are required to choose and evaluate a CIMA report appropriate to the aims and learning outcomes of this module.

The full range of CIMA reports can be found on the CIMA website: http://www.cimaglobal.com/Thought-leadership/Research-Funding/academic-research-reports/

For your chosen report you are required to:

  1. Give a synopsis of the report including the key findings and conclusions and the methods used to conduct the research.
  2. Use additional academic literature to support or refute the findings of the report.
  3. Give an evaluation of the extent to which the conclusions of the report can be relied on in terms of both content and method used.

Your word limit for this task is 500 words.

Answer preview

The report titled “Management accounting (MA) roles in supporting servitisation” by Laine, Paranko and Soumala (2012) provides an analysis of the probable important role of management accounting in manufacturers’ servitisation. The authors adopted a conceptual analysis in addition to empirical evidence to examine the probable role of management accounting. The findings revealed that management accounting plays a supportive role that is often linked to defining, justifying and controlling of servitisation. The report also supports the presence of MA in the social perspective in which it influences decision-making process in different dimensions.

Word count: 672