A review of The Birth of A Nation


A review of The Birth of A Nation


The thesis will be an argument either for or against the value or worth of the film within its specific genre. If the movie has more than one genre pick one only one.

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This is an excellent film, and the plot is perfect. It finds the reason that the protagonist, in this case, had to base his story on the people’s faith to make them follow him. It is unlikely that, but then he needed an extreme example of having these people support him. Resistances and uprising are all just about people getting to follow one strong leader who then directs them to a destiny that they prefer and in this case, freedom is the final position they want. Meant to be slaves, at some point, they get tired of the suffering they go through and for sure having someone that would offer them direction as to how they can deal with their enemy was indeed the best option to explore at this point. It is essential that the end justifies the means and that for whichever reason in a movement; the final destination should be the target and not just the current disputes that are after that developed amongst these people.

Word Count: 900