A Speech on Sports Anxiety


A Speech on Sports Anxiety


The presentation structure will be composed of an introduction, review of literature and a reference list. These sections will be broken down as follows:
• Detail the problem or issue under investigation. Remember, if there is no problem, why is it worth investigating.
• Explain the rationale for the study and why it should take place. Academic theory should be included to support your line of inquiry.
• This should be a summary of the key theories that underpin your study. These should be introduced, discussed in a critical fashion and then concluded, but in a manner that naturally links into the next theme.
• Critically analyse the studies related to each theme. To provide a critical review of the studies it is important that you detail the methodological criticisms as opposed to simply focusing on the outcome of the study in question.
• A statement of the problem. This will have to refocus the assessor.
• This section should be concluded with the study aim.
• Sample group (e.g. sample size, number of participants, sampling method, details of a power analysis).
• Ethical issues identified.
• Protocols and procedures (e.g. details of protocol reliability and validity),
• Data analysis procedures (e.g. content analysis, thematic analysis, statistical procedures).

Answer preview

Increased levels of anxiety are universal reaction to traumatic competitive conditions, and are well-known to negatively impact the athletic performance. The outcomes of nervousness are reported as horrible emotional condition related with perceptions of conditional hazard. Most of athletes struggle with tension and nervousness in their daily lives and in competitions. Every athlete responds to tension and nervousness in different ways. In addition to this, surfing competitions are entirely intended to induce experiences of tension among participants (Jenkins, 2005:54). The competition condition involves orders set on athletes to perform highly, normally under strong pressure as well as certain conditions.

Word count: 1874

Slide count: 17