A study of the Host Country’s National Culture on the Transfer of Recruitment, Selection and Training HR Practices – A Case Study of Walmart in China


A study of the Host Country’s National Culture on the Transfer of Recruitment, Selection and Training HR Practices – A Case Study of Walmart in China


Write a dissertation paper on the study of the Host Country’s National Culture on the Transfer of Recruitment, Selection and Training HR Practices.

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The current study examines how national cultural differences affect Walmart’s HR practices in China.  Focus is placed on how the social structures, legal frameworks and cultural norms play a vital role in informing the transformation of Walmart’s HR practices in the Chinese context.  The execution of the qualitative research methodology, based on the secondary data, was aligned to the primary research questions. Based on the research findings from the review of literature, it is observed that the national culture of the host country is an important factor that affects the transfer of HR practices from a firm’s home country to a host country.

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