A Study on Employee Turnover in Shanghai’s Luxury Hotels


A Study on Employee Turnover in Shanghai’s Luxury Hotels


Write a literature review on employee turnover in Shanghai’s luxury hotels.

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Employees play an important role in a service-oriented industry as hospitality. Considering the significance of the role that employees play, it is then understandable to argue that the global turnover rate that ranges within 60% to 300% in the hospitality sector, as indicated by Hemdi and Rahman (2010, p. 1),  results to unnecessary losses in various operational goals. Seconding such implications, Demir, Çolakoğlu, and Güzel (2007, p. 477) and Fernandez and Worasuwan (2017, p. 497) stated that hotel industry is among the industries with enormous labor intensity, which is accompanied by very high labor costs on services and goods produced.

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