A Visit to Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology


A Visit to Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology


Museum Analysis-Visit any one of the following museums and prepare a five pages, double-spaced typewritten analysis: How well do the exhibits at this museum reflect the legacy of life? Include in this report a checklist (i.e. table) of the number and kinds of paleontological exhibits, the amount of space, and what types of paleoecological habitats are represented. Document your trip with a paid admission receipt, and illustrate your report with five representative photos (not postcards or cut-outs). Each photo should have a caption describing it.

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I really treasure the visit I made to the Raymond M. Alf Museum. Every point through the 4000ft Hall of Footprints and Hall of life displays evolution’s shows a trackway collection that is among the largest of its kind in the United States, Including the only known trackway of the “bear dog.” Learning the history of life with an actual fossil of creatures that existed billion years ago is a thrilling experience that not only explains the past but predicts the future of all creatures including man. The Alf Museum of Paleontology has many animal trackways, both the existing and extinction. I had the experience to study trackways of cats, birds, elephants and camels from the Mojave Desert as well as dinosaurs, lizards, and lizards from Utah and Arizona. This visit has made me understand paleoecological habitats and why different organisms have changed physically over different millenniums to suit their ecological habitats.

Word count: 1373