A Visit to the La Brea Museum


A Visit to the La Brea Museum


Museum Analysis-Visit any one of the following museums and prepare a five pages, double-spaced typewritten analysis: How well do the exhibits at this museum reflect the legacy of life? Include in this report a checklist (i.e. table) of the number and kinds of paleontological exhibits, the amount of space, and what types of paleoecological habitats are represented. Document your trip with a paid admission receipt, and illustrate your report with five representative photos (not postcards or cut-outs). Each photo should have a caption describing it.

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Dire wolves are closely related to the timber wolves but they are known to be bigger than the modern day wolves. The Dire wolf died out in about 100,000 years ago in North America (La Brea Museum, 2017). The Dire wolf was larger than the grey wolves and the paleontologists say that despite their resemblance in appearance, they have many differences. The Dire wolf had legs that were shorter than the body and the skull was massive.  Judging from the lace that the remains of the Dire wolf have been found, paleontologists suggest that they liked their habitats in the grasslands and forested mountain areas. Like other Pleistocene epoch carnivores, the dire wolf is thought to have gone extinct as a result of its preys also going into extinction.

Word count: 1536