A Woman’s career experience in the Finance industry


A Woman’s career experience in the Finance industry


Write a Dissertation paper on A Woman’s career experience in the Finance industry

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After settling on the research topic, I developed a research proposal. The proposal detailed the aim and objectives of the study, review of literature, rationale, and proposed methods. In the introduction write-up, I based the objectives and aim of the study on the statistical evidence from prior studies and surveys that show the proportion of women in leadership or top positions. Evidence from Catalyst (2014) and Fortune showed that nearly 5% of women account for organizational leadership or executive positions in organizations across the globe. In the Chinese context, the proportion of women in China accounted for nearly 18%. The statistical evidence provided a strong basis for examining women’s experience in ascending to leadership positions.

Next, I described the approach to use in the review of relevant literature and the rationale for conducting research. The review of literature served as a strong basis for validating the need for an empirical investigation by highlighting literature gaps in the light of gender representation in contemporary organizations. I proposed to base the research on the socialization theory and human capital theories to show the influence of societal perspectives on masculinity and femininity and the justification of gender parity in an organizational setting. The review of the literature was based on sources such as journal articles to explore literature gaps, and books to describe the theories.

Word Count: 1700