ABAR Education in Elementary schools


ABAR Education in Elementary schools


    1. Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please review the required chapters from the Lerner (2002) e-book as well as the

American Psychological Association (2010)

    1.  article for this week.
    1. For your initial post, you will utilize information provided in the required readings and your own research to create your own developmental theory on bullying. A psychological theory is a framework for understanding a particular phenomenon related to human behavior (in this case, bullying) that is developed from a hypothesis and extensive research on that phenomenon. For the purpose of creating your theory, you may address bullying in a broad sense, or choose an aspect of bullying (e.g., cyber-bullying, school bullying, sibling bullying) to address theoretically.
    1. Begin by researching peer-reviewed articles on bullying in the Ashford University Library that were published within the last 10 years. Look for patterns in the data presented in the articles and compile at least three peer-reviewed articles with similar findings on which to build your theory.
      • Create a purpose statement that defines the phenomenon, identifies the need for better understanding of this issue, and explains human development in the context of bullying trends.
      • Apply the findings within your chosen developmental research articles to the creation of your own research questions and create a hypothesis on bullying behaviors.
      • Evaluate the unique scholarly perspectives presented in your research and explain how they support your hypothesis on bullying.
      • After creating your hypothesis, you will devise an experiment to test it. Although you will not actually complete the experiment, describe it in detail including the sample, independent and dependent variables, materials needed, procedure, and expected outcomes.
      • Analyze any ethical considerations which might affect the viability of your experiment and describe how you would address any ethical concerns regarding the use of your experiment.
      • Based on the information you have collected to create your research questions and hypotheses, as well as the expected outcome(s) of your experiment, integrate this evidence into a theory by suggesting a framework for how we should understand bullying according to you, the expert.
      • Choose an appropriate name for your theory and generate at least two phrases of terminology to explain the phenomenon in your own words.
      • Explain how your theory addresses the hypothesis and expected outcomes of your experiment.
    • Apply your developmental theory and associated terminology as “scholarly support” to propose solutions for bullying within your provided framework

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ABAR Education Program will set to integrate seamlessly with existing Early Childhood Education system in US. ABAR program will be aimed at mitigating the issues related to racism, which has been in a continued increment for many decades. As additional program to the education system, the ABAR will be play critical role of influencing childhood development, particularly on the ones at Grade 1 to Grade 8: target group involving children within the age of 5 to 12 years of age. Program alignments and settings will be in line with the provisions of the Erikson’s ‘competence versus inferiority’ developmental stage, as it involves children within the 5-12 years age-range (McLeod, 2013). According to Erikson, children at this age-range are in the process of learning the way to read and write, do sums, and develop some sense of independence in doing things by their own. Teaching children at this age-range, teachers start taking important roles in creating the initial stage of pro-social personality development to influence the children’s lives through contributing to their acquisition of specific skills.

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