Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Australian Relations


Define reconciliation in terms of Aboriginal Australian and Non-Aboriginal Australian relations.


Define reconciliation in terms of Aboriginal Australian and Non-Aboriginal Australian relations.

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When considering reconciliation on matters related to Aboriginal Australian and Non-Aboriginal Australian relations, there different things that combine in order to make a complete definition of the process. Talking about reconciliation would be understood fairly by focusing on the issues that led to the emergence of the term as well as a body that is selected to ensure that the process is implemented. For decades, there has been a gap between Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal Australians in terms of education, employment, social class, and opportunities among other socio-economic areas. Non-Aboriginal Australians began their dominance during the invasion of the European colonists whose ruling was largely established between 1788 and 1850 (Australian Government, 2015a). Although there has been enactment of numerous laws meant for breaking the boundaries between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Australians, the issue of divided communities still hounds Australia as a whole.

Word count: 359