Aboriginal Programs-Brazil’s Bolsa Familia


Aboriginal Programs-Brazil’s Bolsa Familia


The core reading is:

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2008, Human Rights: Frequently Asked Questions on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (33), United Nations, Geneva. Sections 11-(pp 20-35)

There are some additional resources for you view:

Brazil’s Silent Revolution: Bolsa Familia builds up Brazil from within and breaks down social walls(3:59)

Amnesty International: Economic, social and cultural rights for all (2:43)

Rescuing exploited and abused migrant workers in the UK (10:19)

Consider how programs like Bolsa Familia in Brazil help to address issues that impact on economic, social and cultural rights?

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Programs such as Bolsa Familia in Brazil have played an integral role in addressing issues that impact economic, social and cultural rights. For instance,  people from Brazil that benefit from this program indicate  that it has helped in improving their economic status, where they have moved from poor to average citizens (Nobrega, 2017). Subsequently, such programs have improved the possibilities of children attending school, which will in turn improve the economic, as well as their job prospects in future (AJ+, 2015).

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