Aboriginal-themed Test Exam


Aboriginal-themed Test Exam


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Another pervasive problem has been the unintentional interpersonal racism that continues to gain root in the health care setting. As most physicians in the country admit, addressing a problem that most people are not even aware exists can be challenging. Even for physicians who morally oppose racism, there has often been a struggle when dealing with the race preference bias. For Aboriginal populations, unintentional racism, particular in the heath sector, often occurs through erroneous assumptions. Most of the physicians are conditioned to have negative stereotypes regarding diagnoses and behaviors of minority groups. It is also important that certain decision-making positions be filled with staff from racialized populations to impact and influence broad organizational changes. This way, the healthcare system will be made more responsive to the needs of racialized and aboriginal populations.  Racism remains the most important diversity challenge being faced by the Aboriginals.

Word Count: 1300