Abuse of Human Rights in the Society


Abuse of Human Rights in the Society


Write an essay examining the abuse of Human Rights in the Society

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Human rights violation has been an issue affecting human beings across the world for a long time. The commonly abused human rights range from slavery, discrimination, child abuse as well as denial of basic rights. The readings; Nineteen Eighty –Four by Eric Arthur Blair, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe and The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka both bring out the theme of human rights violations.

Eric Arthur Blair in his novel, Nineteen Eighty Four highlights various human rights which are abused.  The book portrays a society in which the rights of its citizens are infringed by its leadership. The leadership of this society commonly referred to as “Big Brother,” through its institutions abuses various fundamental rights of its citizens such as the right to personal liberty, freedom of choice (Donnelly, 2010). For instance, the writer states that in this society, one was expected to act in a manner that would show love for the government because the government through the institution of “Big Brother,” compelled one to believe that whatever they did the “BIG BROTHER WAS WATCHING.”

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