Access permission (GRANT statement)


Access permission (GRANT statement)


Using the SQL for Dummies textbook in the Online Library, refer to Table 3-4 “Types of Protection” on page 74 to create three scenarios in which the use of protection operations are used to secure a database. Describe the scenario, select which protection operations users should use in the scenario, and then explain your selection.

Your paper should be three pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations, and cited per APA guidelines.

Answer preview

Access permission is issued using the GRANT statement and remove access by using the REVOKE statement. By controlling the use of the SELECT statement, the DCL controls who can use the database objects such as table, column, or view. Controlling the INSERT statements determines who can add new rows in a table. Restricting the use of the UPDATE statement to the authorized users gives you control of who can modify table rows; restricting the DELETE statement control who can delete tables of rows(Taylor, 2010).

Borrowing from wildwood apartment scenario; given the role to develop a system database for an apartment management scenario where the apartment manager is picked among the tenants. The role of the apartment manager is to collect rent, manage repairs, and account for expenses. In return, they stay rent-free and receive a certain amount of money depending on the size of the apartment.

Word count: 1041