Adolescence means to ‘Grow into Maturity’


Adolescence means to ‘Grow into Maturity’


Journal topics are designed to enhance learning, develop cultural awareness and diversity competence so students are prepared to work with clients in various settings.  Typed personal reflections on the assigned questions/topics should be at least three paragraphs. 2 pages.

Adolescence means “to grow into maturity”.  What was your experience?

Answer preview

In all cultures of the world, adolescence – which is one of the fastest phases of development- marks the period in life where the immaturity of childhood is supposed to give way to the maturity that comes with adulthood. Various communities used to have different initiation rites and rituals to mark adolescence. In most of the world’s nations today, though, information technology has brought new challenges to human existence which redefine human maturity. Before the 1990s, initiation rites were relevant because children were, for the most part, protected from the knowledge of adult matters. This changed when access to television and the internet became widespread.

Word count: 774