Advertisement on Oiltulas Aromas


Advertisement on Oiltulas Aromas


Write a report describing an advertisement idea.

The report has to justify, that is, explain with reasoned argument, the various elements of the advertising strategy.

You are designing an advertisement- why did you choose that particular creative approach?

Why do you feel that it would achieve a marketing advantage for your client?

Why did you choose to position the brand in this way in the ad as opposed to alternatives?

Why did you choose the particular medium of transmission? And so on.

You design the ad, and you explain to the markers why you feel that it will achieve a marketing advantage for the brand.
As part of your justification you will need to refer to some marketing concepts, particularly segmentation (who is the relevant audience) targeting (which media channels and vehicles will reach them most effectively and efficiently) and positioning (what characteristics/values/associations will differentiate the brand from competitors?)

You will need to cite appropriate sources in referring to marketing concepts.
Media plan – You should explain which media channels and media vehicles you are planning to use. A
medium is a channel of communication, for advertising, this includes such as TV, radio, internet, mobile, press, outdoor etc. A media vehicle is a particular TV channel and show advertising slot, a particular radio station and radio show, a particular newspaper, magazine, outdoor site and so forth.
You will need to show at what intervals, time of day, month, you will broadcast your ads and why.

Words: 1000
References: 9 (Harvard)

Answer preview

The proposed Ad uses an emotional approach because consumers depend on more emotions as opposed to information to make purchase decisions (Zhang et al., 2014, p. 2105). Emotional responses to Ads become more influential in purchasing intentions, rather than the Ad’s content (Grigaliunaite and Pileliene, 2016). Feeling tired and stressed is a natural occurrence after work.

The Ad will use a short animation to show a tired and stressed woman looking forward to a relaxed feeling after utilizing the diffuser with sensational oil in it, feeling calm and happy.

Word count: 1253