Ageing Workforce Impact on HRD in Australia


Ageing Workforce Impact on HRD in Australia


In this assessment task you are required to write a short essay of no more than 1500 words to
critically discuss and address the following questions:
• How are trends in the business environment impacting on human resource development (HRD)? Please choose one trend (e.g. globalisation, skills shortages, the ageing workforce, new technology, or another) and discuss it in detail.
• What opportunities and challenges does this trend present for HRD professionals? What recommendations would you give to HRD so that we are up for the opportunities and challenges presented by this trend?

Answer preview

 Undoubtedly, specific trends in the business environment have a massive impact on human resource development in Australian companies. These trends are enormous and they present particular challenges to firms’ effectiveness in executing human resource practices. In that regard, an ageing workforce is one of the critical factors that impact massively on the HRD as it revolves around the retirement-age workers outnumbering in the younger workers (Rashford et al., 2018).  The trend has dire consequences to the workplace human resource practices considering that it widens the talent gap that occurs between older employees who retire and the younger employers with the skills to replace them.

Word count: 1770