Alexandra Nicholas’ Suspiria : Book review


Alexandra Nicholas’ Suspiria : Book review


For this task, you are to identify a recent screen studies book on a topic that you
think you might like to research for your final project. The book should be
scholarly (i.e. critical and rigorously researched, with footnotes/references), not
a popular or trade book.
Once you have found an interesting book, you should read it carefully and then
write a short, critical review (500-700 words) in which you briefly summarize
the argument, assess its research methodology (is it
persuasive/rigorous/comprehensive?), and give your view on the value of its

Answer Preview 

According to the author, Argento is a famous Italian film maker who has managed to dazzle his audience over and over again, and surprisingly, his horror film suspiria is still alive and sells out forty years later. Horror fans exists and they are very many, to appeal to such an audience requires so much skill in the creation of horror itself in a way that it is horrifying enough to become sensational and outstanding. This is what Dario has done over the years. The author says that the film maker has dazzled and terrified many audiences with his visually astonishing and often gruesome works. The film is a cult favorite of the millions of fans around the world.

Word Count: 800