Alf Museum


Alf Museum


Museum Analysis-Visit any one of the following museums and prepare a five pages, double-spaced typewritten analysis: How well do the exhibits at this museum reflect the legacy of life? Include in this report a checklist (i.e. table) of the number and kinds of paleontological exhibits, the amount of space, and what types of paleoecological habitats are represented. Document your trip with a paid admission receipt, and illustrate your report with five representative photos (not postcards or cut-outs).. Each photo should have a caption describing it.

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I appreciate that the only certain way of establishing the kind of a dinosaur that hatched eggs is to discover a fossil of baby dinosaur inside an egg (Penner, 2014). Notably, it is rare occurrence to find a baby dinosaur inside an egg since the remnants of baby dinosaurs do not undergo preservation or even sometimes, they are mere crushed bone jumbles.  I learned during the visit that the scientist made an important discovery of dinosaur babies in 1990s. The baby dinosaur lay in a position that it would have laid if it were alive and it was well preserved. I established from the museum records that the experts called the baby dinosaur “Baby Louie”. The scientists presume that the baby belonged to a bird-like dinosaur known as Oviraptor.

Word count: 1643