Algorithm Modification


Algorithm Modification


Modify the following algorithm to include the repetition structure. Review the algorithm, identify the inaccuracies, insert the corrections, save the document.

walk forward 1 step,

walk forward 1 step,

if a flower is present, do this:

pick up the flower

end if

turn left 45 degrees

turn left 45 degrees


Study the algorithm below and then modify the algorithm to print the sales amount for all ten salespersons. Review the algorithm, identify the inaccuracies, insert the corrections, save the document.

repeat 5 times:

get the salesperson’s name and sales amount

calculate the bonus amount by multiplying the sales amount by 3%

print the salesperson’s name and bonus amount

end repeat

Answer preview

repeat (10 times)

get the salesperson’s name and sales amount

calculate the bonus amount by multiplying the sales amount by 3%

print the salesperson’s name, sales amount, and bonus amount

end repeat

Word count: 142