Amazon Marketing Plan


Amazon Marketing Plan


This assignment has several purposes. It requires you to:
1. Research factual information to collect data
2. Apply marketing theories to the activities of a specific organization identified through the collected data;
3. Develop ideas;
4. Prepare a formal written report.

A marketing plan is an essential tool for any marketer, providing direction for a brand, product or organisation. A marketing plan describes the marketing environment, marketing objectives and marketing strategies.
Develop a situation analysis for a selected company culminating in a SWOT analysis. This is the current situation that the company is in from a marketing perspective. Also develop an established segmentation profile for each segment that might be targeted.
On the basis of that analysis and the situation the company is therefore in and the established
segmentation profile, you are required to reflect on how you would conclude that plan, relative to selected key issues from the SWOT by analysing it, on the basis of marketing objectives for that setting, deciding on which markets to target based on the segmentation analysis conducted as part of the external analysis, how to position the product/company, and outlining an overall approach to an appropriate marketing mix.
You need to illustrate the links between the various elements of the marketing plan during this reflection. You must incorporate academic literature to support / justify your discussion.

Issue Prioritised
Based on the current situation of the company that you analysed in Assignment 2, select and
prioritise the issues that the company should address in its new 12-month term marketing plan.

Marketing Objectives

Based on the selected issues regarding the current situation of the company you
have analysed in Assignment 2, clearly state up to three objectives for the forthcoming 12
months using S.M.A.R.T goal setting criteria. Explain how these goals link to the identified

Segmentation, Target Market(s) and Positioning
State and justify which segment(s) you intend to target and how will you position
the product/service for the target market(s)?

Appropriate Marketing Mix
Description: On the basis of your knowledge to this point of the marketing mix elements,
reflect on the overall approach to the marketing mix. Outline the elements and tools that
would be best used and the links and/or independence between the marketing mix elements in
your plan.

Conclusion – Role of the Marketing Plan
Description: Clear discussion of how you see your marketing plan will assist the company. How
should it be used both tactically and strategically by the company?

Report Format
Description: Suitable structure and headings
Format (12pt font, 1.5 spacing, and 2.5cm margin)
In text citations and reference list (APA Style)
Writing – clear, easy to read
Language – spelling, grammar, punctuation
Required length – 2000 words (+/- 10%)

Answer preview

Amazon has established itself as an online retail company that is dedicated to satisfy the needs of online consumers through hard work, innovation and partnership with winning business models.  However, based on the finding from situational analysis, faces many threats from the dynamic e-commerce industry, making it hard for the company to establish itself as a competitive online shopping platform. This report addresses the challenging issue of gaining a significant market share by proposing a marketing strategy that will enable the company to counteract competition pressure from rival firms such as Google, EBay, Yahoo, Apple and emerging online stores. Therefore, this report provides a strong marketing plan that will enable Amazon to regain in competitive position in the next 12 months.

Word count: 2380