American History


American History


Write an essay paper on American History

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The horses on introduction were embraced and used by the Native American tribes that settled in the present day Mexico and Texas (Mathews, 2012). Later, the use of horses spread to many parts of Native America along the plains of Indian tribes in the parts of the Midwest as well as to the South. Use of horses among Native Americans made lives relatively easier (Kenny, 2014). The introduction of horses made the Native Americans to adopt life activities such as hunting where they hunted buffalos among other wild animals. Hence horses changed the life of Native Americans to that of being providers for the families through hunting.

The Indian tribes used the horses for their travel during wars and hunting. Furthermore, the horses encouraged trade as the Indian tribes could easily move with their trading goods across the continent. Moreover, the 1845 design of Providence that supported America’s expansion of her territory saw American Indians lose their land further. In this conquest, the American Indians who were regarded to as merciless Indian savages were pushed away from their land.

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