An Act of Communication


An Act of Communication


You will write an analysis of the qualities of an act of communication that exemplifies patterns, historical significance, and characteristics of African American culture. This act of communication can be a text, a speech, or a conversation from any source. You are to logically demonstrate how this act of communication reflects information you have learned in the class. You are expected to quote from class sources (at minimum one source). You are also to personally reflect on your own understanding, bias, and/or experience as it relates.
MLA Format, 3 pages
Listen to or participate in a conversation. Pay close attention to dialect and expressions used
Watch something on television and analyze the way the characters/individuals speak and express themselves.
Read a poem, short story, speech, play, or excerpt. Write a literary analysis. Make sure you identify the era and relation to racial or African American cultural issues.
Write about an author we have discussed. Analyze how his or her work has influenced cultural ideas in relation to African American literature

Answer preview

One of the major things that is showcased here is the aspect of dialect. By dialect, it also means the accent of these people. They do not simply have the same accent as those of the whites and hence partially makes it quite technical to be able to communicate with this group of people. In that regard, there is always a very big difficulty that occurs which affects the level of understanding between them and other people. They find it hard because some of them also have very strong Africanized accent that seem unique especially in the United States. When we look at this situation critically and look at the dialect that was experienced, it was a very technical situation for all people because it was one of the major challenges that affected communication in this case.

Word count: 878