An Essay on Flow Concept in Organizational Literature


An Essay on Flow Concept in Organizational Literature


What is meant by the concept of “flow” in the management and organisational literature (Csikszentmihalyi, 1977) ?  Is there a relationship between achievement-orientation and “flow”?  Provide an analysis of the advantages of understanding the concept of flow for professionals in contemporary organisations.

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In modern organizational behavior, employees’ mental condition and happiness at work greatly influence their performance at the workplace. The kind of satisfaction they get at workplaces is instrumental in the kind of energy they give on their jobs.  Whenever creativity and productivity naturally spring from employees, then flow concept takes place. According to Nakamura and Csikszentmihalyi (2014), employees’ flow is a crucial contributor to creativity and well-being which directly translates to organizational performance. Therefore, organizations depend on the natural balance employees strike between their skills and tasks at hand. The ease with which they can simultaneously apply the two variables could potentially define how the flow at the workplace becomes (Avey et al., 2011). Human resource managers look for scenarios when workers can effortlessly handle given job assignments yet maintaining high levels of satisfaction and happiness.

Word count: 2559