An Example of Workplace Discrimination in Australia and Laws to Protect Against


An Example of Workplace Discrimination in Australia and Laws to Protect Against



Syed, J. & Pio, E. 2010, ‘Veiled diversity? Workplace experiences of Muslim women in Australia’, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27(1), 115-137.

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Identify one form of discrimination that occurs in Australian workplaces and provide an example of a response (initiative or program, legislative Act etc.) designed to create more equal employment opportunities and work environments.

Answer preview

Australia prides itself as one country that is open for migrants to visit and settle down. In the process, these migrants find their way into mainstream Australian life. Some of these migrants with higher education find their way into formal workplaces. Unfortunately, that is where their luck ends. In the workplace, some of these migrants reportedly face some form of discrimination or another. One example of workplace migration dominant in Australian workplaces is discrimination based on religion.

Word count: 476