An Increase in the Rates of Obesity


An Increase in the Rates of Obesity


There is an increase in the rates of obesity despite the spread of awareness about the risk of excess weight. This calls for urgent measures to be taken in order to manage and reduce these numbers. Discuss.

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As statistics by the WHO indicate, two-thirds of adult Americans are obese and overweight. Their body fat by far exceeds their lean body tissue. Various factors have been blamed for obesity, including genetic, cultural, hormonal, emotional and environmental factors. Obesity, it must be noted, is a serious risk factor for many health conditions including different cancers, diabetes, heart diseases and high blood pressure. From the definition offered by the WHO, obesity is excessive or abnormal fat accumulation, and this could easily impair health. In the U.S, for instance, more than 280,000 deaths are directly related to obesity. Apart from smoking, obesity remains the most common death cause which people can prevent.

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