Analysing Frederick Douglass’ “An American Slave’ and ‘I Am Malala’


Analysing Frederick Douglass’ “An American Slave’ and ‘I Am Malala’


Read Chapter 7 of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave and
the Prologue of I Am Malala.
Write a 3-4 page essay explaining how Douglass’s and Malala’s accounts of their
educational challenges might serve as an inspiration in your own education. (Use of 1 st
person perspective is required for this assignment).

Answer preview

It is easy to take life for granted especially when one seems to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Access to topnotch education and learning experiences can blind one to the fact that on some parts of the world access to education was and is a privilege. In reading Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass: An American slave we discover that access to education was a privilege for those that belonged to the white race. In I Am Malala access to education was hampered by the war and the character’s gender. Armed with this knowledge then, scrutinizing the chance and opportunity that life and times have accorded me in acquiring an education is both inevitable as it is paramount.

Word count: 1092