Analysis: Employee Performance Management Issues

Analysis: Employee Performance Management Issues


General notes:

  • Read the PowerPoint file to understand the topic
  • There are 8 references attached to the email use them and you can add more
  • We have to mention the references at least 20 times in the essay
  • Every paragraph must be supported by references
  • The essay has no less than 2500 words
  • Successful communication of a thesis informing the essay

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Employee performance management is one of the most important functions in the area of human resource management. Considering that employees are possibly the most important asset to an organization, it is essential to manage their performance dynamics, which goes a long way in aligning the organizational goals and career objectives of the employees, so as to realize sustainable organizational performance (Compton, 2005). However, owing to the intricacies associated with employee performance, the process is not always a black and white affair. To this end, there are a plethora of research studies conducted to explore various employee performance management models, as well as identify the pertinent issues.

Word Count: 2800