Analysis: Mission, Vision, Values and Management

Analysis: Mission, Vision, Values, and Management


Examine the mission, vision, and values statements of your place of employment or one with which you are familiar.

Create a 1,400-word evaluation of the company’s values and goals. Include the following:

  • Compare the organization’s mission, vision, and values against the criteria for robust statements.
  • Identify the organization’s core competencies.
  • Examine the organization’s core competencies based on established definitions. Include a rationale for the selection of these core competencies.
  • Determine the organization’s strategic goals.
  • Discuss whether the organization’s current behavior and business goals are aligned to its mission, vision, values, and core competencies.
  • Determine if the organization lives up to its own mission, vision, and values.
  • Justify your determination.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Answer Preview 

In most cases, people talk more about vision and mission, but the most important underlying feature is the core values as the foundation. Principles and character is determined from the core values thus it is not easy to stray or budge from them. This means that core values are difficult to change and can last over a long period because they form the basis of life around us. In addition, belief and core values form attitudes and guide behaviors along with skills and action. The general public outlook of behaviors and skills can change through the influence of the environment and guided by core values and beliefs (Carbasho, 2010).

Word Count: 1400