Analysis: Public Employment(Girod, 2013)

Analysis: Public Employment(Girod, 2013)


Ch. 15 in Girod and Ch. 8 in LEH to answer the questions:

1. Discuss how a police manager should address the question of employee privacy in the workplace. Discuss it in the context of both sworn and civilian employees. Please be thorough but to the point. Remember, I’m looking for specifics, not a restatement of what is written in the text.

2. In considering due process issues in public employment, which criterion is of the greatest importance to the plaintiff employee? In other words, what must be established at the outset to get in the courtroom?

3. Read the statutes on the following website (Ch. 143, Local Govt. Code). If the link doesn’t work search for chapter 143 of the Local Government Code in Texas.

4. Discuss the effect of ch. 143 in relation to the discussion in Ch. 15 of Girod. What, if anything, does 143 do with regard to employment issues?

please check the questions and let me know if you can answer at all based on your reading.

Answer Preview 

  1. Discuss how a police manager should address the question of employee privacy in the workplace. Discuss it in the context of both sworn and civilian employees. Please be thorough but to the point. Remember, I’m looking for specifics, not a restatement of what is written in the text.

In addressing employee privacy issues in both sworn and civilian employees, a police manager there some common standards applicable in both contexts and others applied differently. Whether sworn or civilian, a police manager should commit to Fourth Amendment provisions in maintaining reasonability in cases of search. In this case, the manager must consider the employee’s expectations of privacy in areas of search, the existence of reasonable expectation of privacy, and justifiable reasonability based on the issue or matter at stake (Girod, 2013).

Word Count: 750