Analyzing the Universal Themes of the Darkness of The Human Spirit : Lord of the Flies


Analyzing the Universal Themes of the Darkness of The Human Spirit : Lord of the Flies


Write a paper on analyzing the Universal Themes of the Darkness of The Human Spirit : Lord of the Flies

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Many Sierra Leonean children were deceived into joining warring groups at young ages, before they had the opportunity to develop personal moral values or even reflect on the significance of moral development. Some government officials came to learn how different factions were deceiving children and began to educate families about the tactics that were being used by soldiers to deceive children. After this happened, adult soldiers began to forcibly kidnap children in country side villages. Once they were kidnapped, the children would be given amphetamines on a regular basis to keep them compliant. They were then used as informants, bodyguards, sentries, cooks, porters, and spies. Child soldiers also received battle fatigues, and were trained in how to use lightweight weapons. Often, the commanders would use child soldiers to stage the first acts of violence by planting bombs or hurling stones at villagers when they invaded villages.

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