Andrew Jackson’s Nullification Proclamation


Andrew Jackson’s Nullification Proclamation


Read Andrew Jackson’s Nullification Proclamation and answer the questions below.

  1. What are Andrew Jackson’s views on nullification?
  2. What is supreme and sovereign in Jackson’s opinion: the states or the national government?
  3. Why does Jackson argue the Union is supreme?
  4. What does Jackson threaten to do to those who support nullification?
  5. What are your thoughts about how Jackson handled the nullification crisis?

Answer preview

On 10th December 1832, President Andrew Jackson declared it treason for any state that attempted to remove itself from the union. He asserted that the federal government was supreme and South Carolina could not be allowed to secede (Beienburg, 191). President Jackson was ready to use force on South Carolina in an attempt to silence the quest for nullification; he insisted that preservation of the union was mandatory.

Word count: 523