Animals and Humans are the same(Response to Kelley Huckeby)

Animals and Humans are the same(Response to Kelley Huckeby)


Read & Review in the textbook, “Induction and Analogy” pgs. 302 – 307.

Respond to the following in 150 – 250 words.

Choose one of the following Analogies to analyze: Either #2 or #3 of Exercise 11.8, on pg. 309.

#2: Animals are like Human beings. They feel pain and pleasure and are part of the same chain of evolution. It is wrong to eat human beings, so it must be wrong to eat animals.

#3: Flag burning is, or can e, a form of political protest. Verbal political protest is protected and allowed as free speech. Free speech can be nonverbal, as is the case with dance. So, flag burning, as a nonverbal form of political protest, should be allowed and protected as free speech.


Analyze of the above arguments using the following guiding questions:

  1. What are the two things being compared?
  2. What do these two things have most in common?  Why are they relevant to the conclusion?
  3. What differences do these two things have?  Why/How are they relevant to the conclusion?
  4. Do you believe the argument is weak or strong?
  5. If the argument is weak, what makes it weak? Are there ways to add to, or otherwise change the argument to make it stronger?

Answer Preview 

Two things being compared in this analogy are humans and animals are the same and that eating an animal is on the same ethical level as eating a human. The arguer contends that because an animal feels pain and pleasure just like a human and that they are on the same chain of evolution as humans, animals should not be eaten because eating human beings is wrong.

Word Count: 200 words each