Anthropogenic Debate Surrounding Growth of Urbanization


Anthropogenic Debate Surrounding Growth of Urbanization as the Leading Cause for Water Pollution through Production of Sewage


The essay is to be 5-8 pages long, double spaced.
It must include a bibliography, which is included in the page count.
The essay must be based on one of the three pre-assigned essay topics, TBA.
Each of these topics must be addressed in an argumentative essay.

Answer preview

The debate about water pollution narrows explicitly down to the problem being regarded as anthropogenic. In comparison to anthropogenic extinction of large mammals in the late Quarternary period, where the proof is more difficult to establish since the occurrence took place many years ago, the debate over water pollution has resolved much more comprehensively around the anthropogenic side. There exists sufficient evidence for this argument although it is contested; it has compelling reasons that can easily be traced.

Word count: 1828