Anti-Bullying Strategies in Schools


Anti-Bullying Strategies in Schools


Earlier this week in the discussion forum, you reviewed several scenarios and discussed one or two studies that you would be interested in using for the Week Six Intervention Proposal. You should now make your final decision regarding which case study you would like use to create your Intervention Proposal and begin doing your research. As part of that research, this week you will be creating an annotated bibliography of seven to eight peer-reviewed, contemporary articles (published within the past 10 years) from the Ashford University Library. For each article, provide a brief annotation (approximately 150 words).
Remember, you are not writing an abstract; you are writing an annotation. The annotation should be a scholarly evaluation of article. Explain why you think this article is important and address any potential ethical concerns with research. In essence, each annotation is like a mini article critique.
Your research should cast a wide net and the articles should represent different sides of the research (approximately a 50-50 split). As you do your research, it is good to keep an open mind to ensure you do not miss something important
While there is no set page requirement for this bibliography, it should be approximately four to five pages in length and be formatted according to APA-style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. For additional guidance on how to format and what to include in your Annotated Bibliography, view the Sample Annotated Bibliography from the Ashford Writing Center.

Answer Preview 

Perkins, Perkins, and Craig (2014) study is critically important on the matters related to identification of areas upon which bullying victimization can occur within middle schools. The study involved exploration of the state of adolescent development in its influence to the emergence of bullying, particularly during the secondary education. Salience of Perkins et al study offers a prominent imperativeness for my selected topic of finding better ways of preventive and aftermath strategies on countering the escalated issue of bullying in schools. Significantly, useful information presented by Perkins et al to help to create profoundly working countermeasures is that school contexts in which victimization is more likely to occur through bullying is identified. Perkins et al is highly valuable because of several ethical considerations they put in the research.

Word Count: 1300