Antisocial Personality Disorder


Antisocial Personality Disorder


Using your Research Question, 2 credible websites and 2 scholarly journal articles related to your topic, write a 1.5- 2 page paper using 12 point Times Roman font explaining the problem behind your research question.

In this paper, you will have to define the problem, provide a brief background of the problem, and explain how your research question would provide answers to the problem(note that providing answers is not the same as solving a problem!).

Use citations and list the references at the end of the paper on a reference page formatted in APA style.

How is this assignment related to your future career?

  • Professionals in the field need to be able to explain a problem succinctly to those who have absolutely no background in the topic that constitutes the problem.
  • When you work in human services, it is highly likely that you may have to complete a grant application. Grant applications are usually done online and allow a limited space to explain and define the problem. This paper will provide practice in learning how to explain and define a problem succinctly.

Answer Preview 

  • Preventive interventions can be introduced to children who show signs of conduct disorder. This remains a risk factor for the disease and if identified in childhood, various forms of therapy can be applied on the children to prevent the development of antisocial personality disorder at adulthood (Venables et al., 2014). For children at risk discipline lessons and proper parenting can effectively reduce the chance of the condition developing.

Word Count: 600