Antitrust law to restrict anticompetitive behavior


Antitrust law to restrict anticompetitive behavior


For a 100-word main post,

Read pages 482-497 of Legal Environment of Business.

Consider the following as you read:

  • Antitrust laws are intended to limit anticompetitive behavior. As you read, consider whether this intended result has been accomplished and whether this is good or bad for business.

Answer preview

I think the intended purpose of antitrust law to restrict anticompetitive behavior has been accomplished and this is good for businesses. Currently, the business environment is favorable since antitrust has minimized conflicts. In addition to this, the antitrust law has accomplished its goals because businesses have experienced exponential growth and expansion in their business operations. As a result of antitrust law, businesses are now able to expand their operations in most of the emerging markets which has endless opportunities. It also remains clear that antitrust law has created a business environment that encourages dialogue especially in times of conflicts. It is through this dialogue that business organizations have come to realize most of the unpredictable consumer needs and demands.

Word count: 221