Application of Biosolids in the USA Memo


Application of Biosolids in the USA Memo


This memo is to search for and report a case study, through literature review and direct inquiry, how a new and innovative technology or process is chosen for this full-scale application. Compare and contrast between technology chosen with other technologies.

This memo should be 3 pages, 1.5 line spacing, 12 point font, 1″ margin all around. You have all the references which I will be given to you in the paper.

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The idea of biosolids application has been gaining research attention, due to the potential of the biosolids derived from wastewater to be reused in improving soil quality. By definition, biosolids are organic matter derived from sewage and are typically used for agricultural purposes ((Brisolara & Qi, 2015).  More technically, biosolids describe treated sludge, which has been treated in accordance with the existing federal, state, and local laws, to the extent that they can be used in land applications. Biosolids are essentially rich in nutrients, hence their use in agriculture for soil improvement.

Word Count: 1050