Application Software: Operating Systems

Application Software


Unit II PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint presentation at least five slides in length identifying five different categories of application software. List a description of each type of software with advantages, disadvantages, and any security concerns for each.

You are required to have a title slide and reference slide; however, they do not count towards the minimum slide requirement. Citations and references should follow APA format style guidelines.




Unit II Essay

Write an essay using Microsoft Word identifying and discussing at least two different types of operating systems. Include the advantages, disadvantages, and security concerns of each type of operating system.

Your paper should be at least two pages in length. You must use proper APA style guidelines. You are required to have a title and reference page; however, they do not count towards the minimum page requirement.

Answer Preview 

Time-sharing is another type of operating system that enables many individuals situated at different terminals to utilize a specific computer system at the same period. Multi-tasking or time-sharing is a logical expansion of multi-programming. Time-sharing can be defined as the processor’s time that is shared among many users simultaneously.

Length: 600

Format: APA