Applying Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theories


Applying Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theories


1. Choose a specific current event (within the past two months) and find one news article about it from a newspaper, magazine, or news website. The event can have taken place anywhere in the world. Choose something that really interests you!
2. Choose any two of the following theories:
Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, Conflict Theory, Feminist Theory, Western Marxism, Post-Colonial Theory, Post-Structuralist Theory, Queer Theory, Critical Race Theory.

Write 1,000-1,500 words explaining how each of the two theories that you chose would explain the current event and making an argument for which of the two theories you think provides the best explanation for the event. You should not rely on direct quotations to explain your theories and make your arguments.

Answer preview

In this paper, the recent event of 39 Chinese bodies found inside a truck in Essex is examined. The analysis of the event is based on critical race theory and conflict theory. The paper argues that critical race theory shows how racism is unchanging and that is embedded within the institutions. While the theory provides useful insights, its application in the Essex event is limited. Conversely, the conflict theory provides a better understanding of the event, arguing that the capitalist societies are controlled by the elites, and their continued dominance involves the exploitation of others.

Word count: 1671