Archetypal Meanings of Colors and Their Symbolization


Archetypal Meanings of Colors and Their Symbolization


Write a short 2-3 page paper presenting the archetypal meanings of colors and their symbolization in art therapy, what is your favorite color? Why?  Analyze and explain why seeking out items of your favorite color is a coping mechanism. Be sure to use resources from this week’s readings and resources.  Be sure your paper is in proper APA format including reference and cover pages.

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Therapists and psychologist have long since discovered the healing value of colors. This has necessitated the categorization of each color and its shades for different uses in therapy sessions. The color blue is seen as the color of dreams; at the same time it is considered one of the coldest colors (Edwards, 2014). The light blue shade on the other hand represents peace and meditation. This is because when blue is added some little light, it takes out some darkness hence symbolizing daylight and night sky. There is also the spectrum of blue which is categorized to symbolize the moment when consciousness moves to the unconscious part of the mind.

Word count: 641