Architectural Construction


Architectural Construction


Write an interview paper on Architectural Construction

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I have chosen Trummer (2017) because he is an experienced lecturer in Architecture and urban design. According to Trummer, the fundamental form of present architecture emerged at the onset of the twentieth century. This fundamental form of present architecture claimed to represent the Zeitgeist of the industrial age.  A significant number of buildings were designed with a combination of wild fantasy regarding airplanes, cars, and ships and technological logic. Trummer made reference to Corbusier and Jeanneret who asserted that the metaphor of the building as a machine was popular or common. He gave an example of Unity Temple which was designed by Architect Wright Lloyd Frank. The temple is intricate of three constructions:  The physical house on the south, the holy shrine on the north as well as an Entrance/ Foyer connecting the house and the temple. The Unity Temple encompasses a lower floor for restrooms and storage, a space for the organ on the fourth side, and an auditorium with three open galleries.

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