Assess the potential impact of “Internet of things (IoT)” on the “Education” sector


Assess the potential impact of the “Internet of things (IoT)” on the “Education” sector


Write the “Previous work” section (similar to the Literature review of a Dissertation).

Write the “Work carried out” section (similar to the Methodology of a Dissertation).

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According to Caţă (2015), the education sector has transformed from the conventional knowledge-transfer model that is comprised of inflexible roles of the educators and learners, to a robust collaborative model. The latter implies that actors in the education sector expend shared efforts to influence the education landscape (O’Brien, 2016). The changes in the education model compel educational institutions to reconsider their approaches to teaching and learning (Barakat, 2016). As such, literature demonstrates the influence of technology on a vast range of aspects, ranging from students to instructors. The role of IoT in education is explained from the perspective of a vast range of technologies, strategies, and tools that actors use to make innovative changes in the learning environment. According to Johnson et al. (2016), the key technological drivers in the education sector comprise the Internet, visualisation, Social Media, Digital Strategies, Consumer Technologies, and Learning Technologies.

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