Assessing the Potential Impact of “Artificial intelligence (AI)” on the “Education” sector


Assessing the Potential Impact of “Artificial intelligence (AI)” on the “Education” sector


Your assignment is to submit a 7,000 to 9,000-word research report assessing the

potential impact of “Transparency” on the “Education” sector.

Your report must draw on the relevant research literature related to either Technology, Information, or Operations Management.

  1. Appendix 1: NINE Presentation slides – these are slides only, no written speech needed. Design the slides, and copy the pictures of the slides into Appendix 1 (please also provide the original PowerPoint). Each slide should be:
    • Summary of study
    • Previous work: Key concepts
    • Work carried out: Brief outline of method used
    • Findings: e.g., main themes
    • Improvement #1
    • Improvement #2
    • Recommendation #1
    • Recommendation #2
    • Recommendation #3

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Slides Count: 10 slides