Assessing the Potential Impact of Transparency in the Education Sector
Your assignment is to submit a 7,000 to 9,000-word research report assessing the
potential impact of “Transparency” on the “Education” sector.
Your report must draw on the relevant research literature related to either Technology, Information, or Operations Management.
- Finish the entire dissertation according to structure below and use “Template.docx”. New sections that need to be written are:
- Executive summary (100 words – no more than one A4 page)
- Introduction (500 words)
- Work Carried Out (600 words)
- Results (1700 words)
- Conclusions (800 words)
- Recommendations (800 words)
Answer Preview
The role of transparency has gained substantial interest in the delivery of services, including education. In educational institutions, attainment of strategic goals requires that stakeholders adopt transparency as the cornerstone of success. The report sought to examine the potential impact of transparency in the education sector. It employed a thematic analysis of secondary sources to identify the relevant themes describing the research subject. To do this, the report focused on two key areas: the role of technology in promoting transparency on the education sector, and the potential impacts of technology-powered transparency on the education sector. Some sources retrieved from database and internet sources revealed that while transparency is related to other factors such as accountability, it presents substantial impact in educational areas such as academic performance, resource management, quality assurance, educational equity and accountability of financial resources. As such, there is a need for educational institutions to invest in transparency initiatives.
Word Count: 8400