Assignment: presentation of LEARNING & COGNITION HANDBOOK


Assignment: presentation of LEARNING & COGNITION HANDBOOK


To complete this assignment, students may utilize the Learning and Cognition Handbook template or create their own using the template as a guide. Each section of the handbook should be written in the student’s own words with the use of limited paraphrased material cited according to APA standards as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Each section of the handbook should include a minimum of one visual (e.g., table, figure, or image) with a maximum of five visuals per section. Each image must be retrieved and cited based on current copyright laws. Students may wish to use the Where to Get Free Images guide for assistance with accessing freely available public domain and/or Creative Commons licensed images.
The following constructs will be the subject content options for this handbook and will be chosen based on an evaluative literature review in Week Two and students’ future career goals:
Answer Preview 
Learning is a lifelong, universal process, which begins at birth. The human being is always taking in information and making sense of it through various interactions. The human mind is itself a complex science, which has been the subject of study and research for centuries. Psychologists and sociologists have attempted to study how the social interactions and environment that a person is exposed to influence their learning process. Research has shown that social interactions have a major implication on learning and behavior (Vygotsky, 1978). In this regard, socio-cognition is an important concept, which describes the ideas f learning through social interactions, whether directly (from the interactions), or through the influence of the social interactions (where the social environment enhances or impedes the learning process). The area of socio-cognition has found application in many aspects, including in early childhood development, learning in schools, mental health management, behavior management, and human services management among others.
Word Count: 4200