Australian Society Readiness to Recognition of Aboriginals and Constitutional Recognition


Australian Society Readiness to Recognition of Aboriginals and Constitutional Recognition


The purpose of the essay is to develop critical thinking, research techniques and writing skills. Description “What Aboriginal people ask is that the modern world now makes the sacrifices necessary to give us a real future. To relax its grip on us. To let us breathe, to let us be free of the determined control exerted on us to make us like you. And you should take that a step further and recognize us for who we are, and not who you want us to be. Let us be who we are – Aboriginal people in a modern world – and be proud of us.” Galarrwuy Yunupingu (2017).

Essay question – This statement was made in relation to recognition of Aboriginal people and constitutional change. Is Australian society ready or able to consider these changes of recognition? Consider the available arguments on constitutional recognition and develop an argument on your position for or against the opinion of Yunupingu for change

Answer Preview 

The struggle for Aboriginal recognition can be described on the basis of Australian government policy of “self-determination” which recognizes the needs of Aboriginal population for equality and justice, and upholds their right to influence their lives though own decisions (Awofeso, 2011. The success of this approach would set a basis of explaining whether the Australian society facilitates the recognition and Aboriginal population and allow their self-determination   within the Australian community. Although there is no collective description of self-determination and how it applies in Australia, there seems to be a common agreement that self-determination involves allowing the indigenous Australian population to individualistic decisions based on the issues affecting their life affairs (McMullen, 2015). However, the current knowledge shows that limited agreement exists to show how this can be attained or provide a framework through which recognition can be established.

While the government acknowledges that Aboriginal communities have the rights to determine their nature and pace for the future, it has not expressed how the Aboriginal communities can compare to the Australian interests. Historically, the Australian governments have not upheld the perspective that Aboriginal population holds the rights to decide their political position and explore different political choices, including the demand for self-governance and exercise of their sovereignty (Robbins, 2010). As such, self-determination has been applied inadequately in Australia compared to the international settings where it has been expressed the determination to accord rights for the people to seek their own social and political course.

Word Count: 2100